There is something really very odd in this whole
"me sitting here alone for no apparent reason"
There is something almost mistical, some sort of a "revival experience"
somewhat of a "deja-vu".
Well i don't know i think it's got it's magic.
Some kind of "nostalgic charm" to it.
It's not just the poetic of this place. There's something
about me in it, about this "whole".
It's almost like it wouldn't matter al all.
Like none of the small situation-scenes had no real meaning
for themselves, but only as to make the "whole".
Like the "people-to-people" were completaly superfluous.
And it is in some way. It doesn't matter who's singing,
only to what that little sound reminds me to in this exact place.
this stuff of the sides..
i just don't like it, pf.
i'm both, i love both.
ñaaa, needing so much coffee.
with you, of corse. (:
yo también prefiero unos buenos tacones a unas chatitas, pero en mi caso, no puedo ir al colegio con un tacón de diez cm ;) jaja
Y hay muchos blogs de moda que no tienen nada que ver con la anorexia ni la bulimia, es más, si te fijás en mis links, vas a encontrar varios
en fin, saludos!
tu blog también es muy interesante
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